Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Girl Can Dream

Last year, I got what seemed like a thousand wedding invitations in the mail. Already in 2012, I've had a dear friend get married. I've had friends who became engaged on New Years Day. I've got friends who are celebrating anniversaries and expecting their first baby. While I'm so excited for each and every one of them, I won't lie about the fact that I have this small fear that I'm gonna be one of those people who just never finds love. The kind that dates every once in a while but never finds The One. Mr. Right. Does he exist??? See, I wasted my entire early 20's on a man who.....well, there's a lot I could say about him. But I'll just say he was a man that wasn't right for me. Or for anyone if the truth be told. But that's another story for another day. While most of my friends (and family) were doing things the right way, I was living in some fantasy land that Mr. Wrong would magically turn in to Mr. Right. Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong. So here I am, 25, single and living in a part of the world where you marry your high school sweet heart. And I'm afraid I may have screwed up. I'm not opposed to dating. There really just isn't anyone to date around here. They all got married several years ago. And not to me. Maybe I worry about this too much. I just don't wanna be single forever. I don't wanna be the 5th wheel. I don't wanna be the only one flying solo at Christmas parties and trips to the lake for 4th of July. I can just see it now. I'm 30. I turn down the invite to the Labor Day weekend camping trip because I feel like it's a sympathy invitation anyway. So I lay around in PJ's all weekend, drinking Jose Cuervo premixed margaritas, maybe rearrange my living room because you can do that when you're single. There's no one else living with you that would care if the couch is moved to the other side of the room. Oh. My. Gosh. Someone sweep me off my feet, already. I don't wanna be that girl. 
I'll tell you what I DO want. I want a tall man with dark hair, and piercing eyes, strong arms, rough hands, and a smile that melts my heart to come knocking on my door. I want him to make me laugh. I want him to laugh at my stupid humor. I want to have fun with him. I want a man that makes me want to try new things, to branch out. I want a man that farms and wears boots and a hat. I want a man that tells me I'm pretty. I want a man that seriously just makes me smile. A man that understands me. A man that looks at me with those piercing eyes and doesn't have to say a word....we just know what the other one is thinking. Does this man exist? Or did he marry someone else when I was trying to make Mr. Wrong turn in to Mr. Right? Crap. I hope not. 

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